Friday, October 29, 2010

Something Blue

So, maybe this isn't as appropriate as some of my other posts... but I wanted to cover ALL aspects of the wedding.

We all know how the rhyme goes: Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. Like many brides before me, I'm hoping to include all four in my bridal outfit. Statistically, the most common place for a bride to wear blue is on her garter. Mine are purple. The next choice is for blue shoes, again, mine are going to be purple. For a couple of days, I tried to reason that purple is, kind of, a shade of blue. That didn't go over so well. Then I got the idea, what about blue underwear? I pity the wedding guests that ask me wear my blue is...

That being decided, over the weekend, my mom and I were out shopping. I wasn't looking for anything in particular, we were actually on an errand for Tom. Low and behold, I found a pair of lacy blue panties. So cute, so girly, so blue... and on sale! So I bought them, and now I have my something blue.

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