Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Our First (and last) Bridal Show

As far as bridal shows go, Tom and I missed out on them during the planning phases. Up here in Maine, wedding shows seem to occur around the beginning and very end of the year (off-season). At this time last year, we were not yet planning the wedding, and by the very end of last year I had already picked out most of our vendors, so I did not see a point. I did want to experience one, just so that I can cross it off my list of things that I have experienced. When we booked our reception venue, the event coordinator invited us to a bridal show that the venue was hosting. I decided that this would as perfect of a time as ever to go to a bridal show.

I should begin by saying that I have THE BEST fiancé, and that I owe him big time. Tom not only accompanied me to the bridal show without complaint, he also took advantage of the event and used it as an opportunity to connect with a local travel agent. I should also say that even though I've already book all of our vendors, I am very happy that I attended the bridal show. Many of my vendors were there, so it became possible for me to mentally pull everything together. Since it was our reception venue, they had a "typical reception table" set up (pictured above). I was very, very happy, to say the least. Also, they had a fashion show (hosted by the bridal shop I ordered my dress from!), so I was able to see how wedding gowns looked under the chandeliers, I was quite happy with that as well.

When we were doing our wedding cake tastings, Tom tasted the cake by the baker we hired and insisted that we make the deposit right then and there. When I asked him why he was so insistent, he explained to me that the cake was better than any wedding cake he had tried. At the time I smiled and nodded, at the bridal show, I tried a slice of wedding cake from another baker. To say Tom was right was an understatement. Our baker was at the bridal show too... so I made sure to tell her that the other baker confirmed my decision to book her for our wedding day!

We also had the opportunity to touch base with a couple of vendors that we had not yet booked. For example, Tom touched base with a local travel agent. We are only going on a mini-moon for a couple of days after our wedding in September, but we would like to go on a larger honeymoon at some point in 2012. This is Tom's project. I met with a representative from a day spa, and they did my make-up with Bare Minerals. I was really impressed, and I'm going to be contacting them about a bridesmaid's spa day and my day-of hair. We also touched base with a local sandwich shop about catering our rehearsal dinner. We also met with someone from our reception venue about hosting a possible Sunday brunch.

All in all, I would say it was a great experience, and I am really happy that I went. As I hinted in the title of this post, it will likely be our only bridal show experience in that I really can't justify going to another one. We have all of our vendors booked and contracts signed.

Did you go to any bridal shows? What was your experience like?

1 comment:

  1. Just found your site through SITS and I love it! I'm currently planning for my October wedding and you have some amazing DYI tutorials! Will definitely be back and good luck with your planning - though it looks like everything is coming along just nicely.

