Friday, October 28, 2011

Wedding Recaps- Getting Ready

The truth behind a well-laced wedding gown

The morning of our wedding day proved to be calm and relaxing. I woke up around 6:30, and just soaked the day in. My mom made bacon and eggs for breakfast, we packed up all the dresses into the back of the car, and made our way over to the spa.

Thanks to my bridesmaids for taking over the logistics of the wedding day for me, everything worked out like clockwork. I prepared a bridesmaid's tea of pastries, cheese and crackers, and fresh fruits; the spa provided a bottle of champagne. While we were getting our hair and make-up done, my mom picked up our flowers. She arrived back at the salon right as I finished up hair and make-up. My mom and bridesmaids got dressed while I looked over all the bouquets and corsages, and right as it was time for me to get dressed, the photographer arrived. A perfect start to a perfect day.
Matron of honor's hair
Lace the dress
Slip on the shoes
Add the bouquet
I love mirror shots
The bride!
And we are off!
All pictures copyright of Classic Photographers, used with permission.

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